"When you first fall in love, everything is perfect. Until the day you want to forget you've ever met. When it comes to love, some things can't be erased: Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story."
(cited from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - the movie)
There was a perfect crush with the complete perfect features that was utterly fascinating that they brought massive impact to your inner world. Until one day, they were physically gone to the other side of the world. Out of reach. You might be coping very well when the feature was nowhere to be seen. Again, physically. And you were fine for a while. Having a breathing space, free from that heart-jittering sensation that always appear both at the surface of your heart, and even the interior part, whenever they were around. However, the feeling remained intact. Although you didnt know the lucid picture of it until one day a tiny little thing poking you right in your heart. A short line of unexpected message from the very person that put a smile on your face all day. Your face glowing brightly.
Eventually you've figured it out. Conceiving that that human being is actually the one that has left an irreplaceable (with or without cognition) a peculiar mark. The indelible one...
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