Monday, June 01, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The US, under Bush administration, has made terrorism the central focus of its foreign policy. Thus, right after the 911 attacks, it took only 11 days for Bush and his contingents to declare the war on terror to the world and initiate their moves and actions on this life-concerning issue.
We have all heard all about the North Korea's test fires missiles in summer 2006. Right after they really did the deed, it only took a day after the initial launches for the UN Security Council to conduct an emergency meeting as a reaction.
In early 2002, Bush stated his intention to take significant action to topple the Iraqi government based on the reason of his highly imaginative mind of the so-called alleged threat posed by Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. It took him only 2 months to start the "kick off" of the US-spearheaded 2003 invasion of Iraq. Burning, ruining, and destroying the country, Bush finally did fulfill his dad's ambition to topple Hussein's government. Claimed as a "just war", the invasion took so many lives and led to the current Iraq War.
Now, take a look at this one:
The Israel-Gaza conflict, an ongoing conflict mainly between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group, Hamas, is the recent form of what has been the ongoing disputes between Israel and Palestine. It has taken at least more than 500 lives of Palestinians over the past 10 days (more than 90 of them were children) and more than 2,500 have been wounded. Yet, NO SIGNIFICANT THING has been done by the UN Security Council (except a statement form the UN Secretary-General condemning the missile strikes), unlike their amazingly fast reaction on North Korean nuclear test more than 2 years ago.
Isn't it Ironic?
*Above is the image at:
Monday, October 06, 2008
15 years later

15 years later...
When things were suddenly inexplicable
When words lost their ability to explain
When logic failed to give sensible analysis
When idealisms were abruptly challenged
Yet, it seemed right in bliss
Then it sprang to mind that:
When things were suddenly inexplicable
When words lost their ability to explain
When logic failed to give sensible analysis
When idealisms were abruptly challenged
Yet, it seemed right in bliss
Then it sprang to mind that:
"Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice.
But, falling in love with you I had no control over..."
But, falling in love with you I had no control over..."
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A Face to Face Conversation
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Feisty Count

"...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, or 10 Money can't buy you all the love that you had then."
Feist - 1234
Please answer me, Feist... If it's a love of living in a country i had back then, surely money can buy me a ticket and provide me a visa to go back there, cant it?
1 2 3 4... Arrghhhhhh. This is what feeling nostalgic does to you!. I badly miss England!. Yes, i do! Miss the country, London the Big Smoke, and even Birmingham!.
1 2 3 4... I need to satisfy myself now. Am doing a feisty count in my head of my favorite things about England. I'll tell you later how many things i've counted. Meanwhile...Come and join my counting!.
1...2...3....4...5...6...9...or 10! Money can bring you back living in England!
to be continued
Human Interaction

Am happy...
Happy that, today, i've been having interactions with so many people. Virtually, of course ;). Thanks to the marvelous fruit of global world: internet connection. The reason why i love to endure sitting in front of my beloved Toshi for hours, despite the tensed neck and shoulder. Jamming and pressing Toshi's keyboard buttons to typing, browsing, chatting, and gaining more knowledge from everywhere. This is the benefit of living in the millenium world as an educated individual.
Human behaviors is definitely of my utmost interests. It's definitely much more interesting than observing other kind of creatures: animals and plants. Of course because i'm never a big fan of animals (challenging those astrological saying about pisces' love for animals, it never applies to me - a result of being a february-born 'piscesrius' perhaps). And i'm most definitely crap at taking care of plants. So, there you go.
Anyways... Human interaction is important if you are to understand human behaviors. It's intriguing to see how people react at certain things. Be it other human beings, words, situations etc. How they behave and thus respond to all of those things occurring in our more-stretching world. At the end of the day, everyone is obviously wondering: "How these people's behaviors reflect their personalities? How those behaviors affect ourselves? Are their personalities considered the well-suited ones to yours?". And, finally, if you feel a remarkable connection, they become your friends. Best friends if you're lucky. Soulmate, if you're having your luckiest moment.
I see life as never-ending studying processes in search for sustainable happiness provided by an unrestricted institution called the Life itself. If it were a university, Human behavior would be my major. What would be the honorable granted-title then? Mastering life phases, from being a Child, to a Teenager, to an Adult-teenager, and a series of Maturity level. No one but myself and my parents do congratulate me for each time i've graduated from one level to the next. I reckon i should count my parents in as the ones playing the role as my eternal-mentors who've been watching my studying processes both closely and from afar, from time to time. In academic life, the subject of human behavior itself has led me to study Political Science. Starting from achieving the Bachelor title in International Relations, to being granted a Master title in International Political Economy. It doesn't end there of course, as i always keep my options open for the next title (PhD one? maybe). I am not ashamed to admit that i am addicted to studying, both in real life and academic one.
Many people think politics is a heavy subject. It's actually not. And no, it's not that boring. I've found out that the fundamental part of Politics is based on the basic philosophy of human behavior. Now i know why it was compulsory to read Sociology in my first year (i used to hate the bloody subject, hence the endless complaints when i had to do it). In politics, politicians interact by communicating, cooperating, and competing with each other based on what? Human behaviors, driven by their ideas and wills. Countries going to war, establishing agreement, having trade relations, competing for bigger power. Why indeed? To fulfill the national interests which are aimed to bring wealth to their people. In order to do that, a country must play the game in international stage, to gain the aimed respectful position so it can have more prominent role to attain the national interests. The complicated thing about countries' interactions and relations is that it consists of thoughts derived from collective human ideas sitting in the government seat. Probably that's the reason why people perceive international politics as "heavy". But, all in all, it's all about human interaction.
Enough about that. I just want to thank everyone who has come visiting my blog from all over the world and left a comment or two. I love how this blog has brought me to catch up with some people (new, old, current). So, this blog has found its new benefit. To advance my activities of interacting with other individuals, of which i am very fond of.
Happy that, today, i've been having interactions with so many people. Virtually, of course ;). Thanks to the marvelous fruit of global world: internet connection. The reason why i love to endure sitting in front of my beloved Toshi for hours, despite the tensed neck and shoulder. Jamming and pressing Toshi's keyboard buttons to typing, browsing, chatting, and gaining more knowledge from everywhere. This is the benefit of living in the millenium world as an educated individual.
Human behaviors is definitely of my utmost interests. It's definitely much more interesting than observing other kind of creatures: animals and plants. Of course because i'm never a big fan of animals (challenging those astrological saying about pisces' love for animals, it never applies to me - a result of being a february-born 'piscesrius' perhaps). And i'm most definitely crap at taking care of plants. So, there you go.
Anyways... Human interaction is important if you are to understand human behaviors. It's intriguing to see how people react at certain things. Be it other human beings, words, situations etc. How they behave and thus respond to all of those things occurring in our more-stretching world. At the end of the day, everyone is obviously wondering: "How these people's behaviors reflect their personalities? How those behaviors affect ourselves? Are their personalities considered the well-suited ones to yours?". And, finally, if you feel a remarkable connection, they become your friends. Best friends if you're lucky. Soulmate, if you're having your luckiest moment.
I see life as never-ending studying processes in search for sustainable happiness provided by an unrestricted institution called the Life itself. If it were a university, Human behavior would be my major. What would be the honorable granted-title then? Mastering life phases, from being a Child, to a Teenager, to an Adult-teenager, and a series of Maturity level. No one but myself and my parents do congratulate me for each time i've graduated from one level to the next. I reckon i should count my parents in as the ones playing the role as my eternal-mentors who've been watching my studying processes both closely and from afar, from time to time. In academic life, the subject of human behavior itself has led me to study Political Science. Starting from achieving the Bachelor title in International Relations, to being granted a Master title in International Political Economy. It doesn't end there of course, as i always keep my options open for the next title (PhD one? maybe). I am not ashamed to admit that i am addicted to studying, both in real life and academic one.
Many people think politics is a heavy subject. It's actually not. And no, it's not that boring. I've found out that the fundamental part of Politics is based on the basic philosophy of human behavior. Now i know why it was compulsory to read Sociology in my first year (i used to hate the bloody subject, hence the endless complaints when i had to do it). In politics, politicians interact by communicating, cooperating, and competing with each other based on what? Human behaviors, driven by their ideas and wills. Countries going to war, establishing agreement, having trade relations, competing for bigger power. Why indeed? To fulfill the national interests which are aimed to bring wealth to their people. In order to do that, a country must play the game in international stage, to gain the aimed respectful position so it can have more prominent role to attain the national interests. The complicated thing about countries' interactions and relations is that it consists of thoughts derived from collective human ideas sitting in the government seat. Probably that's the reason why people perceive international politics as "heavy". But, all in all, it's all about human interaction.
Enough about that. I just want to thank everyone who has come visiting my blog from all over the world and left a comment or two. I love how this blog has brought me to catch up with some people (new, old, current). So, this blog has found its new benefit. To advance my activities of interacting with other individuals, of which i am very fond of.
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Depressing traffic. Bad public transportation. Multiplyingly polluted air (hell, even the pollution here is polluted). Random weather. Countless corruption. Both undependable and complicated bureaucratic system. Overrated shopping mall. Thoughtless high consumerism. Government's administrative officials who love to talk round yet doesnt help to resolve your problems/complaints. Yadda yadda yadda political campaigns which only waste money yet no promises delivered. Weak & breakable law & regulation system (meaning: money frees you from any charge).
Stupid IT technicians who call themselves the skillful experts, whom we pay for the service, but can only give shitty advices and turn out to be as clueless as you are - mind, sometimes you manage to solve the problem, proving that you are actually more capable then they are.
Natural disaster & climate change: can you believe that the awareness is shockingly low in this country? People talk about going green, yet i dont really see any significant changes. There's even no government's special institution for the fight against global warming. Not yet at least (heard that they're working on it to save their face since Indonesia has been invited to the G8 meeting).
Flood hitting Jakarta so often whenever the rain season comes: please dont blame the nature, it's mainly a result of the way people treat the environment and thus affecting the nature's behavior.
The latest crisis: increasing energy & electricity demand VS growing-limited energy supply. "Dear sirs & madams, please blame those luxurious shopping malls that waste our energy supply, instead of 'providing' electricity black outs frequently.
Lapindo catastrophe. No need to explain more about the disaster. It's a national disaster indeed, but i still can't believe how they managed to acknowledge it as national responsibility. I mean, ask and sue those high-flying companies who started the careless project.
Judgmental society judging you based on what you wear, how much it costs, who your friends are. One too many glossy magazines reporting socialites' activities and featuring their pompous poses with over-the-top made up face.
Student demonstrating in bad manners: demonstrants VS police officers. Am sick of it!. I dont care if they said that the 'demo' was intruded by strange bad people. All i know is that students are supposed to be a bunch of educated and talented young people whose fresh minds should have logical sense to know that there are many ways to express their thoughts rather than standing, crowding, and yelling like morons. "Dear students, do you know that you're all only making the traffic worse and thus hindering people from doing their activities on time?. Why not find a more civilised yet innovative method to get their message across? Do that, and people will surely be more appreciate of your ideas. Trust me".
Oil & fuel price issues... I've had enough of it. Government has done the right thing to diminish the oil subsidy (i hope they'll do it more firmly with gradual efficiency instead of 'walking' slowly in delivering the policy), but they should've prepared a real budget-allocation to provide effective subsidy for the poor: infrastructure. They're indeed wrong to never build the much-needed infrastructure (especially physical ones) so the public would be provided a sound wealth and free-services and not be troubled with money problem if they hadnt to deal with costs of education and health. Let the fuel price be high, but provide sound and well-managed public transportion so people wouldnt have the need to use personal transport (lessening pollution, wouldnt it?). Provide government-paid education and health services. So people would only have to worry about spending money on day-to-day basis, not on sky-scrapping education costs or expensive-yet-unreliable medical care.
*Sigh*. I could go on and on. But it would only make me rambling on like a moron. And i am sure i dont want to be one. Besides, it's starting to depress me.
Whatever happens to the country? What ever happens to the beloved Jakarta? What those powerful people in government have in mind? Why the society is becoming more and more pretentious and superficial instead of caring about what's been happening with the country, the cities, and the faith of the poor and homeless? Sheesshhh...why am i torturing my mind with all these questions? I know why. Because, despite all those complaints above, am still optimist that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. We actually have chances to right the wrongs. some if not all. That's not impossible. It's our choice, dear Indonesian fellows. Do it, people! do it! Optimism indeed.
Stupid IT technicians who call themselves the skillful experts, whom we pay for the service, but can only give shitty advices and turn out to be as clueless as you are - mind, sometimes you manage to solve the problem, proving that you are actually more capable then they are.
Natural disaster & climate change: can you believe that the awareness is shockingly low in this country? People talk about going green, yet i dont really see any significant changes. There's even no government's special institution for the fight against global warming. Not yet at least (heard that they're working on it to save their face since Indonesia has been invited to the G8 meeting).
Flood hitting Jakarta so often whenever the rain season comes: please dont blame the nature, it's mainly a result of the way people treat the environment and thus affecting the nature's behavior.
The latest crisis: increasing energy & electricity demand VS growing-limited energy supply. "Dear sirs & madams, please blame those luxurious shopping malls that waste our energy supply, instead of 'providing' electricity black outs frequently.
Lapindo catastrophe. No need to explain more about the disaster. It's a national disaster indeed, but i still can't believe how they managed to acknowledge it as national responsibility. I mean, ask and sue those high-flying companies who started the careless project.
Judgmental society judging you based on what you wear, how much it costs, who your friends are. One too many glossy magazines reporting socialites' activities and featuring their pompous poses with over-the-top made up face.
Student demonstrating in bad manners: demonstrants VS police officers. Am sick of it!. I dont care if they said that the 'demo' was intruded by strange bad people. All i know is that students are supposed to be a bunch of educated and talented young people whose fresh minds should have logical sense to know that there are many ways to express their thoughts rather than standing, crowding, and yelling like morons. "Dear students, do you know that you're all only making the traffic worse and thus hindering people from doing their activities on time?. Why not find a more civilised yet innovative method to get their message across? Do that, and people will surely be more appreciate of your ideas. Trust me".
Oil & fuel price issues... I've had enough of it. Government has done the right thing to diminish the oil subsidy (i hope they'll do it more firmly with gradual efficiency instead of 'walking' slowly in delivering the policy), but they should've prepared a real budget-allocation to provide effective subsidy for the poor: infrastructure. They're indeed wrong to never build the much-needed infrastructure (especially physical ones) so the public would be provided a sound wealth and free-services and not be troubled with money problem if they hadnt to deal with costs of education and health. Let the fuel price be high, but provide sound and well-managed public transportion so people wouldnt have the need to use personal transport (lessening pollution, wouldnt it?). Provide government-paid education and health services. So people would only have to worry about spending money on day-to-day basis, not on sky-scrapping education costs or expensive-yet-unreliable medical care.
*Sigh*. I could go on and on. But it would only make me rambling on like a moron. And i am sure i dont want to be one. Besides, it's starting to depress me.
Whatever happens to the country? What ever happens to the beloved Jakarta? What those powerful people in government have in mind? Why the society is becoming more and more pretentious and superficial instead of caring about what's been happening with the country, the cities, and the faith of the poor and homeless? Sheesshhh...why am i torturing my mind with all these questions? I know why. Because, despite all those complaints above, am still optimist that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. We actually have chances to right the wrongs. some if not all. That's not impossible. It's our choice, dear Indonesian fellows. Do it, people! do it! Optimism indeed.
a heartfelt dedication

You'll be given love. You'll be taken care of. You'll be given love. You have to trust it. Maybe not from the sources. You have poured yours. Maybe not from the directions. You are staring at. Twist your head around. It's all around you. All is full of love. All around you. All is full of love. You just aint receiving. All is full of love. Your phone is off the hook. All is full of love. Your doors are all shut. All is full of love!
All is full of love - Bjork
For my beloved girls...
Who's worth more than just a glance of all written in the lyrics above, but havent found the door. The door leading you to that unconditional sincerest something that tingles your untainted world. Lavishing your inner world with ease. Put on your glasses and find the lens, keep your inner eyes wide open.
...And for all the girls and women out there, including me self. :)
For my beloved girls...
Who's worth more than just a glance of all written in the lyrics above, but havent found the door. The door leading you to that unconditional sincerest something that tingles your untainted world. Lavishing your inner world with ease. Put on your glasses and find the lens, keep your inner eyes wide open.
...And for all the girls and women out there, including me self. :)
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Favorite Light

"I've found you've got to look back at the old things and see them in a new light"
-John Coltrane-
I did see that old "thing" since yonks ago. A remarkably comfortable something that was always there. But then, one day, i spotted it differently. Luminously, a familiar yet nouveau light fell upon the way it had used to be perceived. A bizarre movement struck me inside. Shaking my heart beyond belief. Confused. Scared. Reluctant. In denial. Then...recollection of archaic scenes & images came rushing back. Like pieces of random puzzles being thrown at you, bluntly penetrating your mind. But i finally gave in. Taking it all in gladly. Bravely taking a seat. Picking up the new lens to embrace them all. Positioning myself for a strange impulsive ride. Impulsive? me? I am never famous of being one. It was something i had never had the skill to do so. Surreal is the word for this beckoning urge.
I've looked back at that certain old thing and see it in a new light.
I still have. That "thing" is certainly one of my favorite things these days, a thing to think about (and pursue) indeed... I'm grateful for the light. It's not just any new light. Peculiar yet familiar.
The light has melted the coldness. Unshackling the locked frozen box of toughness, as if a gatekeeper opening a portal to the secret heart. Bestowing a dash of calescent touch upon it. Assisting to fathom the long-missing pieces of warmth. Bringing out a massive wave of fervent bloom. Letting it flowing briskly in tranquility, to be embraced and be absorbed voluntarily.
The light is now cherished. No matter how difficult it is. No matter how complicated it has been or might be. No matter what it would bring.
So be it...
Thank you, God. For bringing back and diffusing the spring in me. For breaking the protected rigidity and ceasing the very long freezing winter of my heart.
Thank you, Coltrane.
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