Am happy...
Happy that, today, i've been having interactions with so many people. Virtually, of course ;). Thanks to the marvelous fruit of global world: internet connection. The reason why i love to endure sitting in front of my beloved Toshi for hours, despite the tensed neck and shoulder. Jamming and pressing Toshi's keyboard buttons to typing, browsing, chatting, and gaining more knowledge from everywhere. This is the benefit of living in the millenium world as an educated individual.
Human behaviors is definitely of my utmost interests. It's definitely much more interesting than observing other kind of creatures: animals and plants. Of course because i'm never a big fan of animals (challenging those astrological saying about pisces' love for animals, it never applies to me - a result of being a february-born 'piscesrius' perhaps). And i'm most definitely crap at taking care of plants. So, there you go.
Anyways... Human interaction is important if you are to understand human behaviors. It's intriguing to see how people react at certain things. Be it other human beings, words, situations etc. How they behave and thus respond to all of those things occurring in our more-stretching world. At the end of the day, everyone is obviously wondering: "How these people's behaviors reflect their personalities? How those behaviors affect ourselves? Are their personalities considered the well-suited ones to yours?". And, finally, if you feel a remarkable connection, they become your friends. Best friends if you're lucky. Soulmate, if you're having your luckiest moment.
I see life as never-ending studying processes in search for sustainable happiness provided by an unrestricted institution called the Life itself. If it were a university, Human behavior would be my major. What would be the honorable granted-title then? Mastering life phases, from being a Child, to a Teenager, to an Adult-teenager, and a series of Maturity level. No one but myself and my parents do congratulate me for each time i've graduated from one level to the next. I reckon i should count my parents in as the ones playing the role as my eternal-mentors who've been watching my studying processes both closely and from afar, from time to time. In academic life, the subject of human behavior itself has led me to study Political Science. Starting from achieving the Bachelor title in International Relations, to being granted a Master title in International Political Economy. It doesn't end there of course, as i always keep my options open for the next title (PhD one? maybe). I am not ashamed to admit that i am addicted to studying, both in real life and academic one.
Many people think politics is a heavy subject. It's actually not. And no, it's not that boring. I've found out that the fundamental part of Politics is based on the basic philosophy of human behavior. Now i know why it was compulsory to read Sociology in my first year (i used to hate the bloody subject, hence the endless complaints when i had to do it). In politics, politicians interact by communicating, cooperating, and competing with each other based on what? Human behaviors, driven by their ideas and wills. Countries going to war, establishing agreement, having trade relations, competing for bigger power. Why indeed? To fulfill the national interests which are aimed to bring wealth to their people. In order to do that, a country must play the game in international stage, to gain the aimed respectful position so it can have more prominent role to attain the national interests. The complicated thing about countries' interactions and relations is that it consists of thoughts derived from collective human ideas sitting in the government seat. Probably that's the reason why people perceive international politics as "heavy". But, all in all, it's all about human interaction.
Enough about that. I just want to thank everyone who has come visiting my blog from all over the world and left a comment or two. I love how this blog has brought me to catch up with some people (new, old, current). So, this blog has found its new benefit. To advance my activities of interacting with other individuals, of which i am very fond of.
Happy that, today, i've been having interactions with so many people. Virtually, of course ;). Thanks to the marvelous fruit of global world: internet connection. The reason why i love to endure sitting in front of my beloved Toshi for hours, despite the tensed neck and shoulder. Jamming and pressing Toshi's keyboard buttons to typing, browsing, chatting, and gaining more knowledge from everywhere. This is the benefit of living in the millenium world as an educated individual.
Human behaviors is definitely of my utmost interests. It's definitely much more interesting than observing other kind of creatures: animals and plants. Of course because i'm never a big fan of animals (challenging those astrological saying about pisces' love for animals, it never applies to me - a result of being a february-born 'piscesrius' perhaps). And i'm most definitely crap at taking care of plants. So, there you go.
Anyways... Human interaction is important if you are to understand human behaviors. It's intriguing to see how people react at certain things. Be it other human beings, words, situations etc. How they behave and thus respond to all of those things occurring in our more-stretching world. At the end of the day, everyone is obviously wondering: "How these people's behaviors reflect their personalities? How those behaviors affect ourselves? Are their personalities considered the well-suited ones to yours?". And, finally, if you feel a remarkable connection, they become your friends. Best friends if you're lucky. Soulmate, if you're having your luckiest moment.
I see life as never-ending studying processes in search for sustainable happiness provided by an unrestricted institution called the Life itself. If it were a university, Human behavior would be my major. What would be the honorable granted-title then? Mastering life phases, from being a Child, to a Teenager, to an Adult-teenager, and a series of Maturity level. No one but myself and my parents do congratulate me for each time i've graduated from one level to the next. I reckon i should count my parents in as the ones playing the role as my eternal-mentors who've been watching my studying processes both closely and from afar, from time to time. In academic life, the subject of human behavior itself has led me to study Political Science. Starting from achieving the Bachelor title in International Relations, to being granted a Master title in International Political Economy. It doesn't end there of course, as i always keep my options open for the next title (PhD one? maybe). I am not ashamed to admit that i am addicted to studying, both in real life and academic one.
Many people think politics is a heavy subject. It's actually not. And no, it's not that boring. I've found out that the fundamental part of Politics is based on the basic philosophy of human behavior. Now i know why it was compulsory to read Sociology in my first year (i used to hate the bloody subject, hence the endless complaints when i had to do it). In politics, politicians interact by communicating, cooperating, and competing with each other based on what? Human behaviors, driven by their ideas and wills. Countries going to war, establishing agreement, having trade relations, competing for bigger power. Why indeed? To fulfill the national interests which are aimed to bring wealth to their people. In order to do that, a country must play the game in international stage, to gain the aimed respectful position so it can have more prominent role to attain the national interests. The complicated thing about countries' interactions and relations is that it consists of thoughts derived from collective human ideas sitting in the government seat. Probably that's the reason why people perceive international politics as "heavy". But, all in all, it's all about human interaction.
Enough about that. I just want to thank everyone who has come visiting my blog from all over the world and left a comment or two. I love how this blog has brought me to catch up with some people (new, old, current). So, this blog has found its new benefit. To advance my activities of interacting with other individuals, of which i am very fond of.
Addicted to embrace,
the friendliest face,
that's my case...
What happened to that course in finance you took? As for me, it probably just affirmed your love for human interaction and politcs... the eternal meandering of politicking!
HAHAHAH. told you that the reason i took it was because i was challenged by my dad to master the finance riddles (and to extend my student visa hehe). i hated it! still do. But remember, human needs money to finance their interaction, even if it's just for a pint of Stella (oh how i miss standing in a student-type of pub having a pint of beer in one hand & a lit ciggy in another!). Anyways..there can never be penniless politicians if theyre to succeed ;). well..yes, meandering politicking indeed!.
Guess many people perceive politics as 'heavy' because it is not a true 'science'. When I think of the word politics the words corruption, public relations, dishonesty, dirty games and disregard for the greater public good, come to mind. Nice eh? :P
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